We develop and invest in projects that leave our community in a better place than which we found it. We are passionate about good design that is sustainable, vibrant, and evokes pride in the places we create. Our expertise is sincere and informed, and includes community perspective that comes from decades of deep civic engagement; which serves our investors, partners, and clients on the acquisition, development, financing, and management of portfolio assets.
Opportunity Zone Fund
Opportunity Zones, and the Qualified Opportunity Funds eligible to invest in them, are economic development tools with a potentially massive impact. They provide an opportunity for investors to place recently realized capital gains into state designated zones for the purposes of fueling revitalization, while slowly eliminating the tax liability on those gains and, more significantly, allowing their investment to grow tax free. These incentives will draw billions of dollars into distressed communities across the country, spurring economic development and job creation.

An impressive portfolio
These projects represent a sampling of our experience and capabilities. Our contributions include pre-development, financing, construction management, leasing, and operations.
Sturgeon Development Partners creates value for its clients and partners through the acquisition, development and management of sound real estate investments, whether improving and repositioning underutilized properties, developing ground-up projects or using operational expertise and vision to maximize returns from performing assets. We respond to opportunities quickly and astutely, utilizing experience and broad local knowledge and resources to maximize the return on investment for our clients and partners.
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